December 10th Weekly Newsletter
It’s me, Butters, and I hope your winter coat is thick and lustrous this time of year, just like mine.
Whooo, this winter weather!
Last week was pretty quiet down on the farm, a great week for decorating for Christmas, so I’m setting a goal for how many ornaments I can break with my tail this month. I’m not going to share how many, but it’s definitely double digits.
This weekend we have a gift wrapping workshop and an encore wreath making class. Last Saturday’s wreath class was so much fun we decided to add a second one!
Henrietta is of course invited again to both workshops. Although I do not know why they didn't ask me to join!
We added Parents Night Out nights this coming Friday and next Friday too, for those of you that have holiday parties or shopping to do. The evening starts at 6 PM and goes to 9PM and is perfect for ages 4-12.
Next week’s Junior Farmers and Tiny Animal Adventures classes are all about Hibernation, which is a topic I can get on board with! Kids will definitely get some hedgehog time in!
There’s a lot of talk about fun activities and crafts being planned for Winter Break Riding Camp and Animal Adventure Camp, which runs from December 19th to January 3rd from 10 am to 3 pm (with available before and after care). Seems like a great way to tire out your kittens,
I mean human children, during a long winter’s break.
Last thing- Santa is coming to the farm on Friday, December 13th and Sunday, December 15th. You won’t want to miss this much loved event. I love that guy. He always brings me the catnip I like.
That’s everything happening at Double J Riding Club this week.
This is Butters, signing off!