Double J Riding Club workshops are designed to support both homeschooled students and students away from school with hands on learning in a variety of academic, physical, and social areas. Each workshop will include hands on activity, an animal interaction, and a basis in education. These workshops are perfect for students who are wanting to see what Double J is all about or just want to add an enriching experience to their education.
Workshops run Fall - Spring and are open to children from Kindergarten-12th grade. All ages are recommended ages.
Junior Detective

Become a Jr. Detective by practicing your powers of observation. First Investigate animal tracks and teeth. Then head on a scavenger hunt throughout the farm, meeting live animals to help Sheldon our 50 year old African Spurred Tortoise solve a mystery.
Class time: 9:30 am - 11:30 am or 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Cost: $40 for 2 hour workshop
Session Dates: Tuesday 9/7
Gardening and Composting
Come to Double J and learn all about gardening, while getting a chance to work in one of four gardens. Students will then pick and make a garden snack for our animals, and learn all about composting with all of our hard working worms. After that they will then clean an animal habitat and compost the manure.
Class time: 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Cost: $40 for 2 hour workshop
Session Dates: Thursday 9/10
Teatime with John Muir
Come and learn all about John Muir and the importance he had on our environment. Kids will participate in a variety of nature based activities while learning and observing local plant and animal life. Kids are encourage to bring their own tea time snack (drinks will be served).
Class time: 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Cost: $40 for 2 hour workshop
Session Dates: Thursday 9/9
Intro To Horsemanship

Come out to Double J and learn about barn safety. Students will also lead a horse, get to groom a horse and make and feed horse cookies.
Class time: 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm and 4:30 pm-6:30 pm
Cost: $40 for 2 hour workshop
Session Dates: Wednesday 9/8
Animal Professions
In celebration of Labor Day, students will learn all about different jobs in the animal field and how they all go together. Students will work as a team as they help Double J Riding Club with the process of getting a new animal for the farm. Students will learn all about zookeepers as they prepare the animals habitat, learn about nutritionists as they figure out the animals diet based on their needs and weight, become a vet as they complete a wellness check on the new animal and build the animal a toy for their habitat as they learn about animal enrichment.
Class time: 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Cost: $40 for 2 hour workshop
Session Dates: Tuesday 9/7
The Rainforest
Come and meet our animals from the rainforest, then afterwards kids will work on an endangered species craft and a reuse and recycle activity.
Class time: 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Cost: $40 for 2 hour workshop
Session Dates: Thursday 9/10
Fall Art Project/ Farm Tour
Students will come to Double J and be inspired by our landscaped 6 acres and paint a theme that they see or imagine a fall landscape. After the painting the children will get to meet our animals and explore the rest of the property in a farm tour.
Class time: 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm and 4:30 pm-6:30 pm
Cost: $45 for 2 hour workshop
Session Dates: Thursday 9/9
Spend a morning studying Volcanoes in this enjoyable science study. In this study you will learn about what causes volcanoes, the different types of volcanoes, lava, and so much more. Students will work on an experiment in class creating their own volcanoes. This study is filled with interactive journaling, hands-on activities and reading that comes to life!
Class time: 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Cost: $40 for 2 hour workshop
Session Dates: Wednesday 9/8
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