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Meet our Farm Animals

African Bullfrog


African Bullfrogs (also known as Pyxie Frogs) are some of the largest frogs in Africa, with males growing up to 9 inches in diameter. The baritone call of the African Bullfrog is so deep and resonant, it resembles the mooing of a cow, hence its name.

Interaction: Moderately interactive; great for any age group.

Note: Not available for outdoor parties.

American Guinea Hogs

Chocolate & Chip

American Guinea Hogs are considered a true American heritage breed of pig, with a breeding history of over 200 years! Even though they can get up to 300 pounds when full-grown, these pigs are considered a small breed.

Interaction: Very interactive; calm and gentle, a must-have, great for any age group, great photo opportunities, possibility of being fed during presentation.


American Toad

George Washingtoad

Despite what you may hear in old wives' tales, American Toads cannot give you warts! This widespread species can be found burrowing in the dirt in your own backyard!

Interaction: Moderately interactive; calm and gentle, great for any age group.

Note: Not available for outdoor parties.



These South American camelids were domesticated by the Incan people over 6,000 years ago! Alpacas are known for their soft and silky wool, and they are calm and friendly by nature.

Interaction: Moderately interactive; calm and gentle, great for any age group, possibility of being fed during presentation.




Unlike other salamanders, Axolotls remain aquatic their entire lives! This critically endangered species is native to only one lake in the wild, Lake Xochimilco in Mexico.

Interaction: Little interaction; great for any age group.

Note: Not available for outdoor parties.

Ball Python


Ball Pythons are the most popular snake to have as a pet! Known for their calm behavior, these snakes get their name from their tendency to curl themselves into a "ball."

Interaction: Very interactive; calm and gentle, great for any age group, great photo opportunities.

Barn Cat


Butters the Barn Cat definitely thinks he runs Double J. Keep an eye out for him roaming the farm, showing off, and making sure everyone is doing their job!

Interaction: Moderately interactive; great for any age group.

Bearded Dragon


Bearded Dragons are native to the desert and shrublands of Australia! These lizards get their name from the spiky guttural pouch they can darken and puff out when threatened.

Interaction: Very interactive; calm and gentle, great for any age group, great photo opportunities.

Blue-tongued Skink


Blue-tongued Skinks get their name from the bright blue tongue they use to scare away predators! Interestingly, Blue-tongued Skinks are one of the few reptiles that give birth to live young rather than laying eggs.

Interaction: Very interactive; calm and gentle, great for any age group, great photo opportunities.

Buff Geese

Buff Geese are considered a rare domestic breed of goose native to the United States. This heritage breed is known for their docile nature, but their loud honks are also great for scaring away predators!

Interaction: Moderately interactive; great for any age group.


Button Quail

Zach, Cody, & Carl

Button Quail are some of the smallest quail in the world. Adults only measure less than 4 inches in length, and they weigh less than five ounces!

Interaction: Moderately interactive; great for any age group.

Note: Not available for outdoor parties.

California Kingsnake


California Kingsnakes are easy to spot with their striking black-and-white stripes. These "kings" of the snake world will actually regularly eat other snakes; they're even immune to rattlesnake venom!

Interaction: Very interactive; great for any age group, great photo opportunities.


Ross, Chandler, Joey, & Greg

Chinchillas are from the Andes Mountains in South America, so they have a very thick fur coat to keep them warm. They LOVE to take baths in dust to keep their fur dry and soft!

Interaction: Very interactive; active and gentle, great for any age group, great photo opportunities.

Note: Not available for outdoor parties

Corn Snake


Corn Snakes are the second most popular pet snake in the world! Some say they get their name from the corn kernel-like pattern on their bellies, but others say it's from their tendency to hang out near corn silos in the wild!

Interaction: Very interactive; great for any age group, great photo opportunities.

Crested Gecko


Crested Geckos are completely arboreal; they spend their entire life in the trees! They have special setae on their toe pads that allow them to climb almost any surface... even upside down!

Interaction: Moderately interactive; great for any age group, great photo opportunities.

Note: Not available for outdoor parties.


Chip & Dale

Degu are closely related to chinchillas and gerbils! Native to Chile, these rodents can be found in colonies as large as 100 individuals in the wild!

Interaction: Moderately interactive; great for any age group.

Note: Not available for outdoor parties

Domestic Chickens

No farm is complete without a flock of Chickens! These charismatic fowl are more intelligent than people give them credit for; they even teach chicks the meaning of sounds while they are still in the egg!

Interaction: Very interactive; calm and gentle, a must-have, great for any age group, great photo opportunities, possibility of being fed during presentation.


Domestic Ducks

Ducks are found on every continent except Antarctica! They have highly waterproof feathers which allow their skin to stay dry even when they dive under water. Ducks have been domesticated for more than 500 years!

Interaction: Very interactive; calm and gentle, great for any age group, possibility of being fed during presentation.

Domestic Rabbit


Rabbits are easy to spot with their big feet and long ears! Although they share a lot of similarities with rodents, Rabbits actually belong to the lagomorph family; their closest relatives are the Pika!

Interaction: Moderately interactive; calm and gentle, a must-have, great for any age group, great photo opportunities.



Known for their strength and stocky build, Donkeys can carry up to 30% of their body weight; more than a horse! While often sweet to humans, Donkeys can also used as guard animals to protect smaller, weaker animals on the farm.

Interaction: Moderately interactive; calm and gentle, great for any age group, possibility of being fed during presentation.

Fancy Rats

Katara, Pikachu, & Squirtle

Despite what many think, rats are actually incredibly clean, intelligent animals! Fancy Rats have a very intricate social structure and live in close-knit family colonies. Did you know, Fancy Rats produce a "laughing" sound when they are tickled?

Interaction: Very interactive; active and gentle, a must-have, great for any age group, great photo opportunities.

Note: Not available for outdoor parties

Flemish Giant Rabbit


The Flemish Giant Rabbit is considered the largest breed of Domestic Rabbit in the world! These awesome rabbits are the gentle giants of the bunny world, growing up to 12-15 pounds.

Interaction: Moderately interactive; calm and gentle, great for any age group, great photo opportunities, possibility of being fed during presentation.

Ghost Mantises

The Ghost Mantis gets its name from its ability to seemingly "vanish" in thin air by using their intricate camouflage. Unlike most praying mantis species, Ghost Mantises can live in large, communal groups.

Interaction: Moderately interactive; active and gentle, great for any age group.

Note: Not available for outdoor parties



Despite what many people think, Goldfish actually have incredible memories! Did you know, Goldfish can actually see more colors than humans can?

Interaction: Little interaction; great for any age group.

Note: Not available for outdoor parties

Guinea Pigs

Callie, Ginny, Cheryl, Luna, & Cupcake

Guinea Pigs originated in the Andes of South America. These rodents communicate by making various sounds that have different meanings and "popcorn," or jump in the air, when happy!

Interaction: Very interactive; active and gentle, a must-have, great for any age group, great photo opportunities, possibility of being fed during presentation.

Note: Not available for outdoor parties

Hair Sheep

Linus, Ivy, & Buddy

Sheep have great memories! They can remember at least 50 individual sheep and humans for years. These highly intelligent animals are capable of problem solving and display emotions by positioning their ears!

Interaction: Very interactive; calm and gentle, a must-have, great for any age group, great photo opportunities, possibility of being fed during presentation.



Hedgehogs can curl up into a ball when frightened and stick their spikes up to protect themselves. These nocturnal creatures can sleep up to 18 hours a day!

Interaction: Moderately interactive; great for any age group.

Note: Not available for outdoor parties

Jersey Wooly Rabbit

Snow White

Jersey Wooly Rabbits are some of the sweetest bunnies around! These calm, playful, and relaxed rabbits are known for their extremely soft fur and small size.

Interaction: Very interactive; calm and gentle, a must-have, great for any age group, great photo opportunities.

Juliana Pigs

Babe & Wilma

Juliana Pigs are small, spotted, miniature pigs specially bred to work with humans. They are very social animals that love belly rubs, snuggles, rooting around, sunbathing, and of course a good mud puddle!

Interaction: Very interactive; calm and gentle, a must-have, great for any age group, great photo opportunities, possibility of being fed during presentation.

Leopard Gecko


Unlike most geckos, Leopard Geckos have eyelids, and they have small digging claws that they use to dig burrows in their sandy natural habitat. These nocturnal lizards can make a small "bark" sound if they get agitated!

Interaction: Very interactive; calm and gentle, great for any age group, great photo opportunities.

Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches

Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches are not your average, household roaches! This wingless species is known for its ability to produce a "hissing" sound by pushing air out of the spiracles on its back!

Interaction: Very interactive; calm and gentle, great for any age group, great photo opportunities.

Note: Not available for outdoor parties

Mini Horse


No Lil' Sebastian here; at Double J, we have Bingo! Although Mini Horses only grow 40 inches high, they are not the same as ponies. In some cases, Mini Horses have even been trained to serve as seeing-eye service animals for the blind!

Interaction: Very interactive; calm and gentle, a must-have, great for any age group, great photo opportunities, possibility of being fed during presentation.

Mini Pony


No horses here! Ponies can be identified by their proportionally shorter legs, thicker necks, and shorter heads than horses. You can tell how old a Mini Pony is by taking a look at its teeth!

Interaction: Moderately interactive; great for any age group, great photo opportunities, possibility of being fed during presentation.



Mules are the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse! Although they are not usually able to reproduce on their own, Mules have a unique muscle composition different from horses; they are able to carry up to 30% of their body weight!

Interaction: Moderately interactive; great for any age group, great photo opportunities, possibility of being fed during presentation.

Nigerian Uromastyx


Nigerian Uromastyx are desert-dwellers that love to bask in the heat. These lizards may look intimidating with their spiky tails, but Uromastyx are complete vegetarians!

Interaction: Very interactive; calm and gentle, great for any age group, great photo opportunities.


Parakeets are known by many as Budgerigars or Budgies! Male and female parakeets are easy to tell apart by their beaks; males have blue nares, and females have brown!

Interaction: Moderately interactive; active and gentle, great for any age group, possibility of being fed during presentation.

Patagonian Mara (Cavy)


Patagonian Maras (also known as Cavies) may look like a cross between a giant rabbit and a small deer, but they are actually most closely related to Guinea Pigs! These shy rodents live on the plains and scrubland of Argentina.

Interaction: Moderately interactive; calm and gentle, a must-have, great for any age group, great photo opportunities, possibility of being fed during presentation.


Plecos are bottom feeder fish, closely related to catfish! These algae-eaters have unique teeth that allow them to both scrape algae and hold onto solid surfaces at the same time!

Interaction: Little interaction; great for any age group.

Note: Not available for outdoor parties

Poison Dart Frogs

Although the word "poison" is in the name, our frogs here at Double J are not poisonous! Poison Dart Frogs become poisonous in the wild by consuming specific, poisonous ants. These tiny frogs are amazing parents; they will carry tadpoles around on their backs throughout the rainforests in the wild!

Interaction: Little interaction; great for any age group.

Note: Not available for outdoor parties


Polish Chicken


One chicken here on the farm looks a little different than the others. Elvis, the Polish Chicken can be easily spotted by her feather "afro." First documented in the 16th century, the Polish Chicken is one of the oldest breeds in the world.

Interaction: Very interactive; calm and gentle, a must-have, great for any age group, great photo opportunities, possibility of being fed during presentation.


Pygmy Goats

Rocky, Maggie, Mocha, Chai, Tea, & Latte

Goats were one of the first animals to be tamed by humans approximately 9,000 years ago. Pygmy Goats are mountain animals and love to climb to forage. They also have 4 stomachs and can frequently be heard burping!

Interaction: Very interactive; calm and gentle, a must-have, great for any age group, great photo opportunities, possibility of being fed during presentation.

Russian Tortoise


Russian Tortoises can live for over 50 years! In the wild, these grassland tortoises can hibernate for up to 9 months of the year!

Interaction: Very interactive; calm and gentle, great for any age group, great photo opportunities, possibility of being fed during presentation.

Sandfish Skink


Sandfish Skinks get their name from the way they move throughout the sand, using swimming-like motions with their legs and tail! These lizards hunt by sensing the vibrations of aboveground insect movements while they wait under the sand, then they ambush them from below!

Interaction: Moderately interactive; great for any age group.

Note: Not available for outdoor parties


Serama Chickens

Weighing between only 10-12 ounces, Serama Chickens are the smallest and lightest chickens in the world! These Malaysian chickens make beautiful pets both indoors and outdoors.

Interaction: Very interactive; calm and gentle, a must-have, great for any age group, great photo opportunities, possibility of being fed during presentation.

South American Cichlids

South American Cichlids are some of the most numerous and diverse fish on earth! There are currently over 1,700 described species, and scientists suspect there are more out there yet to be named!

Interaction: Little interaction; great for any age group.

Note: Not available for outdoor parties.


Sulcata Tortoises

Sheldon, Amy, & Howard

Sulcata Tortoises (also known as African Spurred Tortoises) can grow up to 150 pounds and can live to be 100 years old! They are the third largest type of tortoise in the world.

Interaction: Very interactive; calm and gentle, a must-have, great for any age group, great photo opportunities, possibility of being fed during presentation.

Syrian Hamster


Also known as Teddy Bear Hamsters, Syrian Hamsters are known for their friendly demeanor and long, fluffy fur! These hamsters have quite the appetite; they eat up to a quarter of their body weight every day!

Interaction: Very interactive; calm and gentle, great for any age group, great photo opportunities, possibility of being fed during presentation.

Note: Not available for outdoor parties

Three-toed Box Turtle


Three-toed Box Turtles get their name from their ability to fully enclose themselves in their shells, like closing a box! Their hinged plastron (bottom of the shell) that they can move up and down allows them to do this.

Interaction: Very interactive; calm and gentle, great for any age group, great photo opportunities, possibility of being fed during presentation.

Vietnamese Stick Insects

Stick insects are found on every continent except Antarctica! Vietnamese Stick Insects live in tropical forests in the wild where they hide in plain sight and eat bramble leaves!

Interaction: Moderately interactive; active and gentle, great for any age group.

Note: Not available for outdoor parties

White's Tree Frog


White's Tree Frogs are highly adaptable! While they prefer moist environments, these frogs can survive in dry conditions by secreting a milky substance called "caerviein" that they cover their bodies in and form a cocoon that prevents them from losing too much moisture.

Interaction: Moderately interactive; active and gentle, great for any age group.

Note: Not available for outdoor parties

West African Mudskipper


Did you know there was a fish that could walk on land?! West African Mudskippers are a semi-terrestrial species that can do just that! These fish live in mangrove ecosystems in the wild, surviving in brackish waters (halfway between salt and fresh waters).

Interaction: Little interaction; great for any age group.

Note: Not available for outdoor parties

Zebra Finches

Ed & Eddy

Zebra Finches get their name from the zebra-like stripes that the males have! Highly charismatic, these birds are able to compose their own unique songs!

Interaction: Moderately interactive; great for any age group.

Note: Not available for outdoor parties.

Zebu Cows

Molly & Mae

Zebu Cows are known for their humps on the shoulders, large dewlaps, and droopy ears! Molly and Mae here at Double J are half-sisters; Molly is a half-mini Zebu, and Mae is a full mini!

Interaction: Moderately interactive; calm and gentle, great for any age group, possibility of being fed during presentation.